EE Digital Voice: The Simple Comparison You Need

Vikki BournerWritten by Vikki Bourner, on 22 Jul, 2024

EE digital voice vs Phonely: Which makes the cut for your home?

Remember how landlines used to be? Chunky plastic phones that sat in the hallway, tripping up anyone who dared to walk past while you were mid-chat? Well, times have changed many times since then. Now we’re spoilt for choice with digital landline options and VoIP Phones. To sort through the crowded marketplace, today, we’re putting EE Digital Voice and our own Phonely service head-to-head. So, pop the kettle on, grab the biscuits and let’s get stuck in!

EE digital voice: What’s all the fuss about?

EE Digital Voice has been turning heads in the digital phone world lately. Here’s what they’re bringing to the table:

  • HD calls (as clear as if your friend was in the room with you)
  • Call forwarding (for when you’re out on a retail therapy mission)
  • Voicemail (because sometimes you’re too busy binge-watching your favourite show)
  • Caller display (no more playing ‘guess who’ every time the phone rings)

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? But hold onto your hat, because Phonely’s whipping up a storm!

Hold onto your hat as we explain the best element of Phonely!

Phonely: Where digital voice gets a makeover

At Phonely, we’ve taken digital voice and given it a proper spruce up. Here’s how we’re shaking things up:

CallGuard: Our crown jewel

Remember when your neighbour got caught up in that lottery scam? With our CallGuard feature, those days are gone. It’s like having a loyal guard dog for your phone line, keeping the unscrupulous at bay and only letting in the good guys.

Technophobe-friendly setup

We know some folks would rather wrestle an alligator than set up new tech. That’s why we’ve made our system so simple, you could probably do it blindfolded (but please don’t try that at home).

Prices that won’t make you wince

We’ve got plans to suit every pocket. Whether you’re a social butterfly or just need something for emergencies, we’ve got you covered without breaking the bank.

Human support (no, really!)

Need a hand? Our support team is always ready to help. It’s like having a tech-savvy friend on speed dial, minus the obligation to help them next time they move house.

The sound of music… We mean, calls!

Both EE digital voice and Phonely offer crystal-clear call quality. But here’s the cherry on top – our network is tougher than old boots, meaning fewer dropped calls. So you can chat away without fear of sudden silence.

Phonely gives crystal clear chatting, does EE digital voice offer the sams?

The million-pound question: EE digital voice or Phonely?

Look, EE digital voice is a decent choice. But if you’re after the full package – top-notch security, stress-free setup, and support that doesn’t make you want to throw your phone out the window – then Phonely might just be your cup of tea.

Remember, picking a digital voice service isn’t about keeping up with the Kardashians (of the Joneses for those of us born before 2007!). It’s about finding a service that fits you like a glove, keeps you nattering away, and lets you sleep easy at night. And we reckon Phonely does all that and then some!

So, why not give Phonely a go? Your future self (and your phone bill) will be super grateful!

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