Have you had an unknown caller? Enter the number below to discover who it was.
Below are the latest reports from our community. Read Disclaimer
With telephone criminals spoofing numbers, you can never really tell who will be at the end of the phone when you answer a call from an unknown number. With Phonely's new look-up tool, you can enter the phone number to see if it's genuine.
Whether you answered the call or let your voicemail pick it up, we always encourage people to share their experiences. Documenting suspicious calls and conversations is vital in the fight against phone criminals. Every report helps others to recognise potential threats and empowers them to stay protected. Your story, even if it's just a few words, could prevent someone else from becoming a victim of a scam.
Phonely is continually updating its global scam number database, and numbers reported with this tool may join the list.
All numbers within Phonely's database are automatically blocked from contacting Phonely customers. New scam numbers are also shared on our social media channels for wider awareness. Your contribution will strengthen the community Phonely are trying to build, making it harder for scammers to operate.
If you're not a Phonely customer, you can benefit from other people's experiences by actively blocking numbers reported on this page.
Increasing to: £11.97 on April 1st.
Increasing to: £21.70 on April 1st.
Increasing to: £39.00 on April 1st.
Still have questions? Visit our FAQ page or contact our friendly UK-based team on
0800 112 5000, email hello@phonely.co.uk or use our live chat.
* Unlimited calls are subject to our fair usage policy.
** International call rates are different depending on which country you're calling.
Check out our international call rates or use our calculator to see how much a typical call would cost.